09/11/2016 - 10/11/2016
All day
Technical University Denmark (DTU)
Bygning 101A, 2800 Kgs, Lyngby, Denmark.
Event organiser
euspen Ltd
Contact details
Special Interest Group: Structured and Freeform Surfaces
9-10 November 2016, Technical University Denmark
Structured and freeform surfaces are of growing importance for applications ranging from optics to automotive, from aerospace to bio-medical and from micro-fluidics to power generation. Whilst much of the work in this area is at the research stage, the number of products that include some form of surface structure control is growing rapidly. Supported by leading industry and research institutes alike, this meeting will focus on the technology, needs and design of such engineered surfaces.
- Replication Techniques (incl. Embossing, Imprinting …)
- Structured Surfaces to Effect Function
- Precision Freeform Surfaces
- Large Scale Surface Structuring (incl. R2R & Printed)
- Surfaces for Nanomanufacturing and their Metrology
Announcement and call for abstract is open.